Perlane is a cosmetic dermal filler that restores volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds).
What is Perlane made of?
Perlane is made of hyaluronic acid. In the human body, natural hyaluronic acid provides volume and fullness to the skin. The hyaluronic acid in Perlane has been modified slightly to last longer than the body's hyaluronic acid. The hyaluronic acid in Perlane is produced by a biotechnical process.
Is Perlane derived from animals?
Perlane contains no animal proteins. This limits any risk of animal-based disease transmission or allergic reactions. No allergy testing is required before use.
What should patients do prior to treatment?
Perlane requires no pre-testing. However, you should take a few precautions before being treated with Perlane. Prior to treatment, avoid using aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, St. John's wort, or high doses of Vitamin E supplements because this may increase bruising or bleeding at the injection site. Also, if you have previously suffered from facial cold sores, discuss this with your doctor who may prescribe a medication to minimize recurrence.
Is Perlane safe?
Perlane have well defined safety profiles. Clinical studies showed no significant differences in the safety of Perlane.
How long does Perlane last?
Perlane is proven to deliver long-lasting results. Perlane lasts at least six months in the majority of patients.* The patented stabilization technology helps maintain the cosmetic effect for those time periods.
How often should I have Perlane treatments?
How long the aesthetic correction lasts is very individual. Talk with your doctor about the benefits of scheduling an appointment in about six months.
How is Perlane different from Botox Cosmetic?
Botox Cosmetic is used to correct wrinkles in a different way. Perlane cosmetic fillers are injected into the skin, adding volume to smooth wrinkles such as the lines from your nose to the corners of your mouth (nasolabial folds).
Do the injections hurt?
Perlane is injected directly into the skin in small amounts by an ultrafine needle. As with all injections, some patients may experience discomfort.
How much does a Perlane treatments cost?
A Perlane procedure is customized to your specific needs, so the cost will vary from patient to patient. In general, the cost of Perlane treatment is comparable to the cost of similar procedures. However, because Perlane provide long-lasting results of about six months, they may prove to be very economical over the long term. Ask your doctor to give a cost estimate based on your particular needs.